
Best Paper Award, Best Student Paper Award and Best Demo Award

The Best Paper Award, the Best Student Paper Award and the Best Demo Award aim to honour exceptional technical contributions and promote high-quality research within the technical scope of the workshop.

The final awards decisions will be taken before the Workshop dinner.

The Best Paper/Student Paper Awards Selection Guidelines are:
  • Exclusions: The papers from the Awards Chairs and Jury members are excluded from consideration.
  • Initial Score Based Selection: The 4 accepted papers and 4 accepted student papers receiving the highest scores and good recognition in the review process are chosen as candidates, by the Awards Chairs.
  • Award Selection Committee: The Award Selection Committee may include members of EUVIP 2024 Organizing Committee , subject to no conflict of interest with the selected candidat, in a maximum of 7 members. To be a valid member of this committee, the experts will have to score all the candidate papers.
  • Award Criteria: The Award Selection Committee will consider the technical quality, the technical novelty, the potential impact, the scientific writing quality and the quality of the responses to the reviewers’s comments.
  • Winners Definition: After consolidation of the votes by the Awards Chairs, the paper receiving the highest overall score by the Award Selection Committee will be awarded as the Best Paper Award (even if the first author is a student); the paper with the second highest vote and with a student as the first author will be awarded the Best Student Paper Award. In case of a tie, the award will be attributed to the papers tied and the award amount split between them.
  • Issues: If there is any issue arising before the final decision can be reached, the Award Selection Committee will meet at the conference site to resolve.
  • Best Demo Award:
  • Initial Score Based Selection: All the accepted demo proposals (2 pages paper) are considered as candidates, by the Awards Chairs.
  • Award Selection Committee: The Award Selection Committee may include members of EUVIP 2024 Organizing Committee , subject to no conflict of interest with the selected candidate, in a maximum of 7 members. To be a valid member of this committee, the experts will have to score all the candidate demos.
  • Award Criteria: The Award Selection Committee will consider the technical quality of the presentation (demo and poster), the technical novelty, the potential impact, and the quality of the answers to the questions asked by the jury members and participants during the demo session.
  • Winners Definition: After consolidation of the votes by the Awards Chairs, the demo receiving the highest overall score by the Award Selection Committee will be awarded as the Best Demo Award; In case of a tie, the award will be attributed to the demos tied.
  • Issues: If there is any issue arising before the final decision can be reached, the Award Selection Committee will meet at the conference site to resolve.
  • Best Reviewer Award

    The Best Reviewer Award aims to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of one reviewer, and to promote high quality reviews. The top 5 reviewers will receive a best reviewer certificate and will be listed on the EUVIP 2024 website.

    The Best Reviewer Award Selection Guidelines are:

  • Exclusions: The General Co-Chairs, Technical Program Chairs, Special Session Chairs and Award Chairs are excluded from consideration.
  • Reviewer Selection Committee: The Reviewer Selection Committee will include members of the EUVIP 2024 Organizing Committee, notably General Co-Chairs, Technical Program Chairs, Special Session Chairs and Award Chairs, in a maximum of 7 members.
  • Award Criteria: The Reviewer Award Selection Committee will consider the reviewing quality, notably insightful and supportive feedback promoting the paper improvement by the authors, and the timeliness of the reviews.
  • The recipients of the Awards will be announced at the Workshop dinner.