Call for Tutorials


The EUVIP 2024 organizing committee invites proposals for tutorials on established or emerging topics of interest for the visual information processing community. Half-day (about 3 hours each) tutorials on areas related to the conference topics are welcome. Tutorial sessions will be held on Sunday, 8th September, 2024.

An EUVIP tutorial should aim to give a comprehensive overview of a specific topic related to Visual Information Processing. A good tutorial should be educational rather than just a cursory survey of techniques. The topic should be of sufficient relevance and importance to attract significant interest from the EUVIP community. Typical tutorial audiences consist of graduate students studying visual information processing, but also include researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry.

Required Proposal Information

Each proposal shall include the following information:

  • Title: A short descriptive title.
  • Presenters: Names, affiliation, contact information (email and mailing address), and short bio for each presenter.
  • Description: A description of the tutorial topic, providing a sense of both the scope and depth of the tutorial, along with a tutorial outline.
  • Expected audience: Include the background of the expected audience.
  • Recent publications: List of recent publications related to the tutorial topic from the speakers in the past 3 years.
  • Relevance: Address the importance and timeliness of the proposal, and its relevance to researchers and engineers.
  • Previous editions: If the tutorial was given before, describe when and where it was given, and if and how it will be modified for EUVIP 2024. If possible, provide a link to slides of the previous tutorial presentation.
  • Presentation material: If a draft of the tutorial material (to be distributed to tutorial participants) is available that can aid in assessing the proposal and enable the committee to provide more constructive suggestions for the content.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be reviewed by the Tutorial Committee using the following criteria:

  • Timeliness of the proposal: Importance of the topic in 2024 and relevance to EUVIP.
  • Quality of the proposal: State-of-the art coverage of the topic, coherence, and experience of the speakers.
  • Spectrum of the proposal: Topic is of broad interest to academia and/or industry, researchers and/or engineers.
  • Accessibility of presentation material: Presentation can be understood by the broad EUVIP audience, including graduate students, practicing engineers, researchers, and professors.

Submission Instructions

Prospective tutorial proposers are welcome to submit their proposals to the Tutorials Chairs, who would be happy to also answer questions and provide preliminary feedback:

Important Dates

Deadline for Tutorial Proposals: 1st April, 2024.

Notification of Tutorial Acceptance: 7th April, 2024.