Call for Student Session

EUVIP 2024 invites students to contribute to EUVIP 2024 Student Poster and Demo Session!

The EUVIP 2024 student poster and demo session aims at promoting interactions and exchanges between early-stage researchers, providing them with the opportunity to integrate into an international conference.

To participate, students are encouraged to submit a two-page extended abstract presenting their research, results, and scientific perspectives. Submissions must be in English and use the IEEE one-column format. The template can be downloaded from the following links: word template – latex template. Additionally, students may submit a demo proposal to showcase their practical work or prototypes. Demo participants should provide a GitHub link and a link to view the demo when submitting.

The submission of an extended abstract and/or demo proposal implies the intention of the student to register for EUVIP 2024 and present their work in the student poster and demo session.

All contributions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated according to their scientific rigor, originality, and potential for future developments.

Best student poster & Best Student Demo

The best student poster and the best student demo, selected by a dedicated committee, will receive award certificates.

Important dates

Submission deadline for the Student poster and Demo session: 07th June, 2024

Notification of Acceptance for the Student poster and Demo session: 29th June, 2024

Camera ready deadline for the student poster and Demo session: 14th July, 2024


Proposals should be submitted via this submission link